Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 28: another day, another $7

I started Day 28 with Power Oatmeal because I knew I had a lot of work to do and I wanted energy and not to be hungry.

Breakfast  Quantity   Cost   Calories 
oatmeal 1.00  $0.33 153
peanut butter 1.00  $0.27 180
milk 1.00  $0.31 83
coffee 3.00  $0.28 8
raisins 1.00  $0.43 120

 $1.63 544

I didn't have any bananas, so I used raisins for the fruit component.

Lunch was just left overs - baked pasta - from last night.

Lunch  Quantity   Cost   Calories 
macaroni 3.00  $0.47 310
sauce 1.00  $0.34 60
olive oil 0.33  $0.35 40
mozzarella 1.70  $0.89 118
coffee 3.00  $0.28 7

 $2.33 535

In the afternoon I had a bag of honey roasted peanuts ($0.50; 230 cal) as a snack.

I wound up having a very late dinner, two chicken salad sandwiches and some carrots with ranch.

Dinner  Quantity   Cost   Calories 
bread 4.00  $0.13 266
miracle whip 1.00  $0.17 40
canned chicken 2.00  $1.29 101
onion 3.00  $0.23 16
carrots 5.00  $0.62 63
ranch dressing 0.50  $0.24 70

 $2.68 556

After dinner I went walking - up and down the street. Sort of a real life treadmill. The street is about 1/2 mile round trip, so I walked up and down it five or six times until I hit 10,000 steps. It was snowing last night, which was kind of nice. We got another 4 or 5 inches.

Day Totals:

Cost: $7.14
Calories: 1,865
Exercise: 388 cal from 13,258 steps
Net calories: 1,316
Weight: 165.8

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