Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 1: A snowy desert

Even though I knew we had a storm coming today, I didn't go out on Sunday to prepare for this morning. Which meant I head to head out first thing to do my initial shopping.

Not planning is very often the thing that brings me down after these diets. Planning is critical for diet success generally, I have learned. So off I went to the Dover Discount Beverage store.

Dover Discount sounds like a packy ("packy" is New England slang for a package store, or known elsewhere as a liquor store), but it's not really.

It has the usual amount of booze for a small convenience store, and a small selection of canned and dried goods.

Sorry for the slightly blurry shots, but I was rushing along, even though I was really browsing, trying to figure out what kind of meals I could make from the limited selection of goods. I was pretty self-conscious, actually. How many people go into a convenience store and stand in front of the small piles of cans and consider for a long period of time? Usually you know exactly what you want when you go in there. You might linger in front of the beer cooler for a minute trying to decide between Budweiser or a pecan peach pumpkin amber.

So I went home with this initial stash:

Plus, since it's a convenience store, I bought a cup of coffee.

With this, I was able to make a nice breakfast sandwich - half a hoagie roll, with a cheddar cheese omelet inside (eggs cooked with a bit of I can't believe it's not butter).

So what did this fine meal run?

Breakfast Quantity Cost Calories
1/2 grinder roll0.50 $ 0.25 130
cheddar 1  $ 0.40  110
eggs 2  $ 0.80 102
Cup of brewed coffee
 $1.52    7
I can't believe it's not butter 4  $0.05  23
Coffee 5  $0.35  

Total cost: $3.37, almost half of which was the cup of coffee. I also bought a can of Maxwell House battery acid to make more coffee later. Since mostly I drink coffee and beer, convenience store living isn't too bad for me. I just need to find a convenience store that has some decent bags of coffee.

Lunch was pasta with tomato sauce, garlic bread, and coffee. I haven't had store bought pasta sauce in years. It's not wretched exactly, but it is sickly sweet. The third ingredient on the can was high fructose corn syrup (supposedly less the 2%). I do not put sugar in my sauce. I will have to see if I can acquire the necessary spices to make my own sauce from another store.

Lunch Quantity Cost  Calories 
1/2 grinder roll 0.5  $ 0.25 130
pasta 2  $ 0.31 210
Hunt's Pasta Sauce - Garlic and Herb 1 $ 0.34   60
I can't believe it's not butter 5 $0.07   29 

Total                                                      $0.96        429

Unfortunately, I didn't buy enough stuff for dinner, unless I wanted to repeat one of my previous meals. Now this was bad because the snow really was getting worse. It would have been wise to just stay home and have a bad day, but I didn't want to let Kerryn down, so I went back out into the storm, back to Dover Discount. The plow had come by, so I had to back rapidly through the pile at the end of the driveway. I actually got stuck and had to rock my way out of it.

When I got to the store, I found a couple of cans of vegetables, and also found I had left my wallet at home on the table. That was disappointing.

Again, I should have thrown up my hands and called it a night. But I knew how Kerryn would not approve, so I went home through the blinding snow that was freezing to my windshield, and back out again, stuck at the end of the driveway again (had to rock it back and forth a few times - if you're from where it snows, you know what I'm talking about), and back to Dover Discount.

I was able to get cans of corn and peas, a kielbasa, and some tuna for tomorrow.

So that's kind of a sodium explosion right there. I did drain and rinse the vegetables in hopes of reducing the sodium, but not sure whether that makes a difference or not.

Dinner    Quantity    Cost    Calories 
Kielbasa     3oz   $ 0.94 270
Corn, canned 1   $ 0.76 67
Peas, canned 1  $  0.66 67

Total                                                          $2.36              404

Since my total calories as of dinner was only about 1,200, I indulged another half of hoagie roll ($0.25) and some cheddar cheese ($0.40) for a snack.

For exercise, I walked for an hour on the treadmill. Not sure what the final calorie count will be for that as my fitbit hasn't caught up with my Loseit yet - I'll net it out tomorrow.

Day's totals:

Cost: $7.14
Calories: 1,453

All of my calculations are in a spreadsheet on my Google Drive. You can download the spreadsheet I am using at any time by going here:

One day down, 29 to go.


  1. This is awesome! I love the addition of video and narration. This is going to be my new favorite reality show!!! Marie says that in this experiement/challenge, you shouldn't be counting calories - you should be counting vitamins! ha ha ha Keep it up!

  2. I too am enjoying the video commentary in your blog Mark. Sorry about the weather - welcome back to New Hampshire!

  3. Welcome back, Mark & family!
    Maybe another thing to count would be fiber.
