Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 25: another day in the desert

I'm a little behind blogging because I've been busy with work and house hunting. Day 25 was not a particulalry interesting day in the Food Desert.

Breakfast  Quantity   Cost   Calories 
eggs hard boiled  2.00  $0.59 155
chobani yogurt  1.00  $1.79 140
coffee  3.00  $0.28 7

 $2.66 302 

Lunch  Quantity   Cost   Calories 
bread, wheat 4.00  $0.52 266
peanut butter 1.00  $0.27 180
jelly 1.00  $0.18 56
carrots 5.00  $0.62 63
coffee 3  $0.28 7

 $1.87 572

I did use the rest of the frozen peas to make my pasta primavera. Also added some green pepper. It was a nice dish.

Dinner  Quantity   Cost   Calories 
macaroni 3.00  $0.47 310
olive oil 0.66  $0.35 80
onion 3.00  $0.23 16
peas 1.00  $0.90 105
green pepper 0.25  $0.32 7

 $2.27 518 

Ate a banana and a the other half of a bag of peanuts (I had used the first half to make the baked pear). The banana was free because it came with the yogurt from Circle K.

Snack  Quantity   Cost   Calories 
banana 1.00  $0.00 90
peanuts 0.50  $0.25 130

 $0.49 220

Day Totals:

Cost: $7.05
Calories: 1,612
Exercise: 42 - my foot is acting up. I rested it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to run again.
Weight: 167.1

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