Tuesday, February 24, 2015

week 3 summary stats

Video version of the report.

We are now three weeks into the Food Desert simulation. Above you see a bar chart of my total food expenditures by day. 

Average food expenditure was $7.89, with a median of $7.58 and a standard deviation of $2.11. As you can see, there are several outliers. During week 3 specifically average food expendutre was $6.96.

Average calories consumed was 1,766; average calories burned through exercise (as tracked by fitbit) was 368, for an average net caloric intake of 1,413. Looking at week 3 alone, average consumption was slightly higher at 1,831, and average calories burned was slightly lower at 300, for a net caloric intake of 1,531.

As you can see, a program of reaonable caloric restriction combined with avoiding the worst foods available in convenience stores has resulted in a predictable weight loss, with an ending weight of 166.7.

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